Small Business Digital Marketing video

Small Business Digital Marketing Services video

This is a brief introduction video to’s digital marketing services for small businesses and start-ups in Croydon, London, Surrey and surrounding areas.

We hope you agree that this video works like a picture that says a thousand words, only better! On Youtube, you will find several Digital Marketing services videos in all shapes, forms and sizes.

We love the video because it does an amazing job of telling our story in under 90 seconds. After watching our digital marketing services video, a contact fedback recently that “I now really know what you do“! This just shows the power of videos to tell stories about brands and companies really well.

It is the foundation of our video marketing activities, having featured in Pay-Per-Click adverts on Youtube and at too many events to count.

Together with our expert video production partners (325 Productions UK), we can help you to develop and produce a fantastic video marketing resource like this for your small business.

At the end of the video we want you to get in touch to book your free no-obligation digital marketing consultation today.


Concepts and script

Stylistic Notes 

Each SCREEN features a solid colour ( a mix of grey, white and orange throughout) animation will appear in hand drawn style, mainly in white but if white background, either grey, black orange, or potentially the colours featured in the Small Business e-Marketing logo (colours  finalised after first cut was delivered).

Music is an upbeat Funk style track.




What do you want your business to achieve for you?







The question fades in onto the centre of the screen and holds before morphing into images of:


Sun/Cocktails (representing Holidays)

Stick family (representing time with the family)

Money stacking up (representing steady income)

Line chart rising (representing steady growth of business/moving toward being a market leader)


All images morph into a central circle, which spreads out into a horizontal line.




So how do you get there?







Question in TEXT appears word by word by popping up out of the horizontal line.


An image of a compass pops up, the needle sways slightly before morphing into a large number 7, which starts to flicker/pulse.




It takes 7 points of contact with a customer to make a sale?







The TEXT animate in appearing around the number 7 to complete the question.

The words begin to morph into images









The following images appear (either all on screen at once or as separate screens TBC)

1) Article (representing online articles/blog posts)

2) Pop up ad (representing paid ads)

3) Facebook and/or Twitter symbol (representing social media)

4) (representing a website)

5) An envelope (recommending emails)

6) A magnifying glass (representing SEO)

7) Two faces, profile view facing each other, mouths moving (representing face to face contact/networking)

n.b it is not essential the viewer knows exactly what each image represents at this stage.




Which are you doing already?







Question fades in centre screen then rises to top.


Social media, Website, networking images reappear, their text description drops out from underneath them. Big orange ticks (as featured on website) appear underneath

Images and text animate out.






Which do you need to do more of…..or better?







Question fades in and morphs into images of:

Envelope, Magnifying glass, Pop up ad, Twitter logo, their text description drops out from underneath them.

Big crosses appear through the envelope, magnifying glass and the pop up ad, a question mark appears over the Twitter logo.





This is where we step in…





A large boot animates in from off screen, crushing the logos. The TEXT ‘This is where we step in…’ appears on the side of the boot.


The boot image morphs into a bowl shape.








The seven points mentioned earlier – SEO, EMAIL , ARTICLES, PAID ADS, WEBSITE, SOCIAL MEDIA in TEXT form animate in from off screen and land into the bowl, followed by the words, RESEARCH and CONSULTANCY.


A spoon animates on from off screen and begins stirring the contents of the bowl.





…and complete your marketing mix.






The bowl morphs into an overhead view of a complete pineapple cake. The TEXT appears underneath the cake.




With a tailored package…








The TEXT animates in word by word from left to right with a tape measure running underneath, and then wipes off.




…and a clear strategy






An overhead view of a chessboard appears, the Queen from one colour moves placing the other team in check mate, and then wipes off.




We’ll help you achieve your goals







The TEXT animates in, and the images of Sun/Cocktails (representing Holidays)

Stick family (representing time with the family), Money stacking up (representing steady income), Line chart rising (representing steady growth of business/moving toward being a market leader) from the beginning of the video reappear, emphasising that these are the reasons everyone is working so hard.









The pineapple piece from the pina colada cocktail image moves to the top centre of the screen, all the other images and text morph together to create one big pineapple.


The pineapple shrinks down and the rest of the Small Business e-Markeing logo appears. The symbols representing the laptop. Tablet, phone etc pop in as they appear.


OPTIONAL: The TEXT ‘Completing your business appears under the logo.












smallbiz-emarketing provides expert market research, marketing on all digital platforms and offline advertising consultancy specifically for small businesses and start-ups for whom money is tight. Checkout our Services page to see how our digital marketing services can help your business to get more customers and sell more, faster. Also checkout our Prices page to see our genuinely affordable digital marketing packages for small businesses and startups. Why not sign up for our newsletter using the simple form on the right? You can also follow us on social networks. Finally, we’d love for you to share this post with your network using the share buttons below.


We’d love to have your feedback and suggestions about this post. What key strategies do you used in your small business promotion video? What difference has having a promotion video made to your business? Got any tips or suggestions to make it even better? Please leave your comments in the Comments Section below.

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