Delightful remarketing & How to do it

Comments: We usually recommend remarketing marketing messages to visitors to clients’ websites (and visitors that have clicked through on adverts) because these visitors have shown a strong interest in the business’ products or services and they may not convert on their first visit – These are typically the customers that the business is targeting! Remarking is a great way to show these visitors further tailored marketing messages on other websites as they browse the Web.  Remarking is full of risks, when done correctly however, it can lead to more sales and bigger profits for businesses.

This excellent slideshow tells you what remarketing is, how it has evolved from retargeting and why remarketing should be part of your business’ digital marketing mix and how to do it in a way that will delight your potential customers.

  What Is Delightful Remarketing & How You Can Do It Too from Duane Brown @Mozcon

A lot of people find remarketing creepy and weird. They don’t get why they are seeing those ads around the internet…. let alone how to make them stop showing.This talk will focus on the different between remarketing & creating delightful remarketing that can help grow the revenue & profit at a company and not piss customers off. 50% of US marketers don’t use remarketing according to eMarketer (2013).- What Is The Difference Between Remarketing vs Delightful Remarketing?- We’ll talk about a travel brand using a burn code pixel to not remarket to people who have completed a transaction after having been an abandoned shopping cart user previously. Over 60% of customers abandon a shopping cart each year ( We’ll talk about a SaaS company using retargeting to get people on a 30 days trial to upgrade to a paid product.. or move to a higher monthly plan. This remarketing helps show your products sticky features while showing off your benefits.

– The Dos: Why using frequency & recency capping, variety of creatives & a tighter look back window creates delightful remarketing.

Slideshow contents

  1. 1. #MozCon @DuaneBrown
  2. 2. #MozCon @DuaneBrown
  3. 3. #MozCon @DuaneBrown
  4. 4. 3 Key Numbers #MozCon @DuaneBrown
  5. 5. 60% #MozCon @DuaneBrown
  6. 6. #MozCon @DuaneBrown
  7. 7. 1 Billion #MozCon @DuaneBrown
  8. 8. What Is Delightful Remarketing? #MozCon @DuaneBrown
  9. 9. How Do We Create Delightful Remarketing? #MozCon @DuaneBrown
  10. 10. Commerce + Burn Pixel = #MozCon @DuaneBrown
  11. 11. SaaS + Intercom = Marketing #MozCon @DuaneBrown
  12. 12. AdWords Customizer #MozCon @DuaneBrown
  13. 13. #MozCon @DuaneBrown
  14. 14. The Dos Of Delightful Remarketing #MozCon @DuaneBrown
  15. 15. Frequency #MozCon @DuaneBrown
  16. 16. Age #MozCon @DuaneBrown
  17. 17. Location #MozCon @DuaneBrown
  18. 18. Look Back Window #MozCon @DuaneBrown
  19. 19. Creative #MozCon @DuaneBrown
  20. 20. Bonus Tip #MozCon @DuaneBrown
  21. 21. #MozCon @DuaneBrown

Comments: We are always keen to bring you resources and tips that you will like and be able to use to get more customers. We hope this is another one of them!

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